Collective Learning

Group blogs is an effective way to enhance learning for individual children whilst working with others.

Children can build a blogging site together and communicate ideas and findings with one another through posts, rss feeds, links and many other tools.

The big picture they are building will grow with a combination of ideas and views as the children post their research and personal views.

It is my belief and that of many other teachers; to encourage children to bring into the classroom, knowledge they've aquired from their proir experiences and background.

Blogging allows for children to share this knowledge with others and to apply it to the knew knowledge they gain during collective learning experiences.

Classrooms can have a connecting blog where it provides links to all groups and individuals blogs. This can be a space where everything is tied together and where children developing blogs can post questions and ask questions of the teacher and other members of the class.

Collective learning is a valuable experience for both children and adults. Blogging now makes it easier to connect with one another and create a community of people who share the same views or share opposing views on topics/issues.

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